Yoga Retreat

This retreat is an opportunity to dive a litter deeper, in an embodied way, where the teachings can begin to reveal themselves to you, through the direct experience of your own practice. Together we’ll explore traditional source wisdom, alongside the practices that help breathe life into all of it in a way that feels meaningful to you.

Mornings will comprise of a complete practice (asana, pranayama & meditation) that weave Yogic philosophy/ understanding into the fabric of the experience. The afternoons will alternate between restorative practices that help us to balance & regulate the nervous system, inviting deep rest into the cells of the body (Yoga Nidra, Meditation etc) and, or workshops that provide an opportunity to further unpack Yoga’s essential teachings.

Journalling and self enquiry will play a large role in our experience together, as a means to spark greater clarity, growth and transformation. Chrissie Chung Chrissie Chung is a student and teacher of the Himalayan Tradition. She has been studying, practicing and sharing Yoga extensively for the last 7 years. Her heart is firmly rooted in sharing the far-reaching potential of practice, using its various tools as a means to serve the individual in finding their own unique way to rediscover their truest essence. She offers the richness of Traditional Tantric Hatha Yoga, inviting you to embrace your practice as a spiritual science. Move with purpose, breathe with wisdom and begin the journey of turning your attention in, returning to a state of Being that is inherently whole. Expect deep practices intertwined with philosophy, intelligent use of the breath, self study, contemplation & meditation.